Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day or Humanity Day

Charles Colp

It is so easy to celebrate for most Americans, We have all had a mother. It is easy to remember the good  and forget the bad, remember the lessons. In all the revelry, the joyful stories, the special dinners, The world collectively forgets to have a true heart.

I wish I could say how many of my friends have suffered the loss of a child. It doesn't matter on a day like this, if the child was lost in utero, by an accident, by the insanity that is life, or by the choice they made at the time. This can also be a truly horrible constant and pervasive reminder. I have many friends, through no deeds of their own discovered they would never be able to have what they had dreamed of since they learned how kids were made.

So as we all celebrate our own mothers, the mothers of our children, the new mothers we know. Don't forget tact, heart, compassion. There are many mothers who through whatever mechanism can't help but see today as a horrible reminder. Some may wrongly blame themselves, some may blame God, and some may blame other people. in the end it doesn't matter who wins the blame game. what matters is a human being with feelings, gifts, thoughts, and a heart can't help but morn such a day. To the countless among you that I know now or may know in the future, may I wish you a happy humanity day. Know that you are loved for all of your gifts, and know that you are not forgotten today. The waves will crash on your shores as gently as they will all others and you are still important to all who care for you.

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