Monday, March 31, 2014

New Site Design

The new site design is finished. For those that haven't been there yet, you should find it easy to read and simple to navigate.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

New main site redesign

Finished most of my new site design. Can't wait to get my first new post up to see how it works out. I have added several new features to make it cleaner and easier to jump in and start reading. I have some more ideas planned and will be putting them in place once I figure out the best way to implement them. For now, it is ready for prime time. 

Charles Colp

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sprite in Hell

Sprite learns more than she wanted to know and from an unlikely source.

Sprite in Hell

pain pain go away

I hate missing deadlines with a passion. Of course this still comes second to migraines. They are possibly the worst thing I have had to deal with, the getting sick, light sensitivity, etc. I am pretty sure over the years my doctors have tried every medicine under the sun to help. usually followed by a shoulder shrug and more tests when it stops working. If you have never had one, please know how blessed you are. It makes normal headaches feel like a little booboo. So I missed my deadline last night but determined to catch up and get ahead since these seem to come in groups lately. Hope everyone finds themselves well.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Genre bending

For those not sure what genre I fit in, you aren't alone. I am writing as much as I can in different genres and styles to broaden myself as  writer. I will never feel I have nothing new to learn so I plan to keep writing different stuff until I die. My favorite genre though is suspense and Urban Fantasy. I don't have a preference between male or female leads and am just as comfortable with one as I am the other. Hope this clears things up as to where to put that pigeonhole to stick me in lol.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Writing and life

I took forever but finally committed to writing more regularly. I know it is something I love and have kept to myself too long. So I have been forcing myself to do something I am not used to doing. Putting out rough first drafts. I realized i was never happy enough with anything I wrote to think it was done, thus it never got published to the web or anywhere other than my notebooks. I know where this is headed but it will take a while to get where I am ready to actually publish for real. Time to get back to writing.