Create |
The drive to create is amazing. It can cause every emotion to flood your senses. Joy at a characters good fortune, sadness at the demise of a character you liked but was destined to reach a horrible fate. Painters, sculptors, artists of every ilk find these same things throughout history. Does that mean the artist is more emotive, or just better at putting those feelings into something. I have heard mechanics talk to a car while working on it, the same for gardeners and their plants. I think it is more a matter of medium and self-expression. If you find words your strength, then by all means put them down, even if you never show anyone. That is another topic. Paint grand cathedrals in the sky, draw a unicorns first experience with a flower, or talk to your plants as you water and care for them. Everyone has a talent, everyone can create something. Whether it is good is subjective. You will find a million trolls to the one beacon of hope on the internet. In the end only your own feelings for the creation really matter. Every other pair of eyes comes with it's own prejudices, experiences, and bias. Go, create, and in the end, if it makes you happy, good job. Do it again.
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