I really need to find a better way of balancing school and home life. I have assignments due in my worst class, Spanish 1020, and yet I can't find the time to study. during the day when I am not in class, I spend the entire time chasing a very energetic 4 year old around the house. He is an amazingly smart child but also very ummmm, what's the word I am looking for here, ummmm, precocious. Yeah that is it, he is precocious. I am finding it hard to concentrate on how to conjugate comprar, when I am also having to yell things like "No do NOT put that screwdriver in the wall socket!"
Night time is equally bad. I love and adore my wife, she is and always will be my best friend as well as the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. when she gets off from work and the kids are finally in bed, it is us time. Time to talk about the day's events, to laugh about how silly our children are, to cry and go crazy about the bills we didn't make but have to pay, you get the idea. Then it is time for bed and I am just a little further behind than I was before.
I still fix peoples computers for them, this can take much of my time as well, but I really must do this to keep up with all of the newest spyware tricks and schemes. (my degree will just let me do it professionally again) Fixing computers can be very time consuming even when you know exactly what you are doing. There is still no super cloud with the processing power of the entire human collective so most problems take a while to "run" on the aging hardware people use.
I know I have to make sacrifices in order to get where I want to be. Trust me I have already made many. I don't however believe that one of those should be at the loss of my family. I am searching for a solution but daycare costs more than we make in a week, and my mom only has so much time in her day to help with childcare. She has been amazing with helping me with the monkey. I still don't seem to have the time to really study that I need.
I will get there, but for now I think I will drink another cup of coffee, oh and tell the monkey to stop putting his sisters toys in the food processor.
If you guys and girls have any time management ideas for the easily distracted knife juggler, feel free to leave it in a comment.
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