Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Rounding of the World

I found a severe lack of the other things in my life that I would love to share with others.

Family - Finding family time is quite an adventure with 2 teens and one younger child, my wife works throughout the day with spread days off, and I work best at night. What we have done to keep some manner of time together is family game night. We schedule every Saturday for card, board, dice, or some other manner of tabletop gaming. It give everyone time to get together, laugh, joke, play, and compete.

Time to think and express myself - I love spending time writing. Recently I found the world of Fountain Pens and all of the wonderful tactile experience that makes me feel more connected to everything I put on paper. It gives me time to relax.

Meditation - I make sure I get time to meditate each day to help center myself and work out things that are bothering me. The sunroom is the most brilliant invention ever for this in an area that isn't always so great outside.

Stretching and Yoga - I love the way it feels after I have done my meditation to stretch and do some Yoga. It helps me feel ready for the day and ready for whatever that brings.

What are your things? What things help you stay grounded? I do try to include my family in all of these except my writing time. Everyone needs that one thing they do for themselves.

No Worries,
Charles Colp